Export data of total tRNA-coding genes for order Primates

Species (N=77) GC (%) AT (%) G (bases) C (bases) A (bases) T (bases) Maximum lifespan (yrs)
Allenopithecus nigroviridis 37.6 62.4 344 218 400 534 27.0
Alouatta caraya 36.1 63.9 322 218 421 534 32.4
Aotus azarai 35.3 64.7 311 220 435 538 30.0
Aotus lemurinus 35.8 64.2 317 221 422 541 33.8
Ateles belzebuth 36.4 63.6 320 228 429 527 37.0
Cacajao calvus 35.5 64.5 310 222 430 535 35.8
Callicebus cupreus 36.2 63.8 307 235 434 522 26.4
Callicebus donacophilus 37.0 63.0 310 245 430 516 25.0
Callimico goeldii 35.9 64.1 316 224 425 538 22.2
Callithrix geoffroyi 36.0 64.0 309 232 433 529 17.6
Callithrix jacchus 36.1 63.9 310 232 429 531 22.8
Callithrix pygmaea 35.8 64.2 308 230 433 532 18.6
Cebus albifrons 36.3 63.7 316 226 417 533 40.4
Cebus apella 36.2 63.8 318 222 422 531 46.0
Cercocebus torquatus 38.0 62.0 352 218 402 529 46.0
Cercopithecus diana 40.1 59.9 368 233 380 516 35.1
Cercopithecus lhoesti 39.6 60.4 363 228 384 516 24.1
Cercopithecus mitis 39.9 60.1 364 235 389 514 37.8
Cheirogaleus medius 36.6 63.4 316 235 432 524 23.2
Chiropotes albinasus 36.0 64.0 309 225 433 518 20.0
Chlorocebus aethiops 39.9 60.1 368 230 382 519 30.8
Colobus guereza 38.3 61.7 347 229 405 522 35.0
Daubentonia madagascariensis 38.7 61.3 350 236 409 519 23.3
Erythrocebus patas 38.9 61.1 349 235 397 519 28.3
Eulemur fulvus 36.2 63.8 321 227 429 536 35.5
Eulemur macaco 36.1 63.9 321 226 429 538 36.2
Eulemur mongoz 37.2 62.8 333 230 418 534 36.2
Eulemur rubriventer 36.5 63.5 320 232 430 531 20.0
Galago moholi 39.2 60.8 351 241 398 522 16.6
Galago senegalensis 39.2 60.8 350 243 399 521 17.1
Gorilla gorilla 39.6 60.4 363 232 399 510 55.4
Hapalemur griseus 36.5 63.5 320 233 426 535 23.3
Homo sapiens 38.0 62.0 353 219 405 527 122.5
Hylobates agilis 40.0 60.0 368 237 388 520 49.0
Hylobates lar 39.8 60.2 364 234 386 519 56.0
Hylobates pileatus 40.3 59.7 364 242 385 513 38.0
Lagothrix lagotricha 36.3 63.7 321 224 424 533 32.0
Lemur catta 36.8 63.2 323 232 423 532 37.3
Leontopithecus rosalia 34.8 65.2 290 233 447 532 31.6
Loris tardigradus 36.1 63.9 323 226 416 554 19.3

Contact: Vadim E. Fraifeld, MD, PhD

Head: Lab for the Biology of Aging, The Shraga Segal Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O. Box 653, Beer-Sheva 8410501, Israel

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If you would like to cite this database please use:
Toren D, Barzilay T, Tacutu R, Lehmann G, Muradian KK, Fraifeld VE. MitoAge: a database for comparative analysis of mitochondrial DNA, with a special focus on animal longevity. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016; 44(D1):D1262-5.